
Educational platform for psychologists

Educational platform for psychologists

Educational platform for psychologists

Educational platform for psychologists

Public Part

Layouts of pages were made according to approved prototypes for the public part. Previously developed interface prototypes, color palette, and typography were used.

Публичная часть

Course Catalog

Implemented navigation by categories, search by name, filtering, and sorting in the catalog. Course cards now include category, author, rating, cost, and the ability to add to favorites.

Каталог курсов

Course Page

The page structure in the format of a landing page answers the questions: what we offer, what you will get as a result, under what conditions, and what needs to be done to purchase the course.

Страница курса

User Registration

When a course is paid for, the user "along the way" creates an account. All teachers must attach supporting documents and undergo manual moderation.

Регистрация пользователей

Personal Account

The personal account is designed for regular use, taking into account the familiar user behavior patterns and the familiar placement of elements for intuitive perception.

Личный кабинет

Course Management

Tables are a convenient representation for the list of courses, users, and lessons in the library. Each element has a contextual menu for operations: edit, delete, archive. Search, filtering, and navigation across pages are provided for the tables.

Управление курсами

Lesson Builder

In the builder, an unlimited number of lessons and modules can be added, their positions changed, renamed, and deleted.

Конструктор уроков

Study Groups

Educational groups were included in the architecture to launch training simultaneously in multiple groups for a single course. The groups may have a limited number of participants and a specific start date for training, depending on the settings.

Учебные группы

Interface States

The design includes the basic states of elements, pages, modal windows, pages with successful and unsuccessful statuses - leaving no questions for development about how the interface should behave in one or another case.

Состояния интерфейса

Logic and Flowcharts

We started by defining a list of user roles. For each role, a list of functionality was determined. User scenarios were coordinated on flowcharts for each role. Thus, we established the general boundaries of the project.

Логика и блок-семы

Interface Prototypes

When there was a common understanding of the platform's logic and user functionality, rough interface prototypes were created. Prototypes were made for each role: guest, listener, teacher, admin, content manager. We also created prototypes for mobile versions.

Прототипы интерфейса

ACL Policies

To lay the correct application architecture, during the requirements coordination process, access division rules for different user roles were set out in an illustrative table. The development team will use ACL in the project design.


Color Palette

We created a project color palette considering contrast and defined a set of shades for color consistency in the project.

Цветовая палитра

UI Component States

Necessary states of basic UI elements were provided to prevent frontend developers from having questions about how the user interface should behave in one or another situation.

Состояния UI компонентов

UI Kit

We systematically approach design, so we create necessary UI components in all projects, which are reused during project refinement and scaling. The use of components and variations also speeds up the development team.



We identified a suitable font pair for headings and established typography rules for different screen sizes, considering adaptability.


Email Design Notifications

We worked on texts, provided system errors, notifications, and email templates.

Дизайн E-mail уведомлений

Educational Certificates

We designed a certificate for course completion, which is generated upon achieving 100% course completion.

Сертификаты об обучении

Public Part

Layouts of pages were made according to approved prototypes for the public part. Previously developed interface prototypes, color palette, and typography were used.

Публичная часть

Course Catalog

Implemented navigation by categories, search by name, filtering, and sorting in the catalog. Course cards now include category, author, rating, cost, and the ability to add to favorites.

Каталог курсов

Course Page

The page structure in the format of a landing page answers the questions: what we offer, what you will get as a result, under what conditions, and what needs to be done to purchase the course.

Страница курса

User Registration

When a course is paid for, the user "along the way" creates an account. All teachers must attach supporting documents and undergo manual moderation.

Регистрация пользователей

Personal Account

The personal account is designed for regular use, taking into account the familiar user behavior patterns and the familiar placement of elements for intuitive perception.

Личный кабинет

Course Management

Tables are a convenient representation for the list of courses, users, and lessons in the library. Each element has a contextual menu for operations: edit, delete, archive. Search, filtering, and navigation across pages are provided for the tables.

Управление курсами

Lesson Builder

In the builder, an unlimited number of lessons and modules can be added, their positions changed, renamed, and deleted.

Конструктор уроков

Study Groups

Educational groups were included in the architecture to launch training simultaneously in multiple groups for a single course. The groups may have a limited number of participants and a specific start date for training, depending on the settings.

Учебные группы

Interface States

The design includes the basic states of elements, pages, modal windows, pages with successful and unsuccessful statuses - leaving no questions for development about how the interface should behave in one or another case.

Состояния интерфейса

Logic and Flowcharts

We started by defining a list of user roles. For each role, a list of functionality was determined. User scenarios were coordinated on flowcharts for each role. Thus, we established the general boundaries of the project.

Логика и блок-семы

Interface Prototypes

When there was a common understanding of the platform's logic and user functionality, rough interface prototypes were created. Prototypes were made for each role: guest, listener, teacher, admin, content manager. We also created prototypes for mobile versions.

Прототипы интерфейса

ACL Policies

To lay the correct application architecture, during the requirements coordination process, access division rules for different user roles were set out in an illustrative table. The development team will use ACL in the project design.


Color Palette

We created a project color palette considering contrast and defined a set of shades for color consistency in the project.

Цветовая палитра

UI Component States

Necessary states of basic UI elements were provided to prevent frontend developers from having questions about how the user interface should behave in one or another situation.

Состояния UI компонентов

UI Kit

We systematically approach design, so we create necessary UI components in all projects, which are reused during project refinement and scaling. The use of components and variations also speeds up the development team.



We identified a suitable font pair for headings and established typography rules for different screen sizes, considering adaptability.


Email Design Notifications

We worked on texts, provided system errors, notifications, and email templates.

Дизайн E-mail уведомлений

Educational Certificates

We designed a certificate for course completion, which is generated upon achieving 100% course completion.

Сертификаты об обучении

Public Part

Layouts of pages were made according to approved prototypes for the public part. Previously developed interface prototypes, color palette, and typography were used.

Публичная часть

Course Catalog

Implemented navigation by categories, search by name, filtering, and sorting in the catalog. Course cards now include category, author, rating, cost, and the ability to add to favorites.

Каталог курсов

Course Page

The page structure in the format of a landing page answers the questions: what we offer, what you will get as a result, under what conditions, and what needs to be done to purchase the course.

Страница курса

User Registration

When a course is paid for, the user "along the way" creates an account. All teachers must attach supporting documents and undergo manual moderation.

Регистрация пользователей

Personal Account

The personal account is designed for regular use, taking into account the familiar user behavior patterns and the familiar placement of elements for intuitive perception.

Личный кабинет

Course Management

Tables are a convenient representation for the list of courses, users, and lessons in the library. Each element has a contextual menu for operations: edit, delete, archive. Search, filtering, and navigation across pages are provided for the tables.

Управление курсами

Lesson Builder

In the builder, an unlimited number of lessons and modules can be added, their positions changed, renamed, and deleted.

Конструктор уроков

Study Groups

Educational groups were included in the architecture to launch training simultaneously in multiple groups for a single course. The groups may have a limited number of participants and a specific start date for training, depending on the settings.

Учебные группы

Interface States

The design includes the basic states of elements, pages, modal windows, pages with successful and unsuccessful statuses - leaving no questions for development about how the interface should behave in one or another case.

Состояния интерфейса

Logic and Flowcharts

We started by defining a list of user roles. For each role, a list of functionality was determined. User scenarios were coordinated on flowcharts for each role. Thus, we established the general boundaries of the project.

Логика и блок-семы

Interface Prototypes

When there was a common understanding of the platform's logic and user functionality, rough interface prototypes were created. Prototypes were made for each role: guest, listener, teacher, admin, content manager. We also created prototypes for mobile versions.

Прототипы интерфейса

ACL Policies

To lay the correct application architecture, during the requirements coordination process, access division rules for different user roles were set out in an illustrative table. The development team will use ACL in the project design.


Color Palette

We created a project color palette considering contrast and defined a set of shades for color consistency in the project.

Цветовая палитра

UI Component States

Necessary states of basic UI elements were provided to prevent frontend developers from having questions about how the user interface should behave in one or another situation.

Состояния UI компонентов

UI Kit

We systematically approach design, so we create necessary UI components in all projects, which are reused during project refinement and scaling. The use of components and variations also speeds up the development team.



We identified a suitable font pair for headings and established typography rules for different screen sizes, considering adaptability.


Email Design Notifications

We worked on texts, provided system errors, notifications, and email templates.

Дизайн E-mail уведомлений

Educational Certificates

We designed a certificate for course completion, which is generated upon achieving 100% course completion.

Сертификаты об обучении

Public Part

Layouts of pages were made according to approved prototypes for the public part. Previously developed interface prototypes, color palette, and typography were used.

Публичная часть

Course Catalog

Implemented navigation by categories, search by name, filtering, and sorting in the catalog. Course cards now include category, author, rating, cost, and the ability to add to favorites.

Каталог курсов

Course Page

The page structure in the format of a landing page answers the questions: what we offer, what you will get as a result, under what conditions, and what needs to be done to purchase the course.

Страница курса

User Registration

When a course is paid for, the user "along the way" creates an account. All teachers must attach supporting documents and undergo manual moderation.

Регистрация пользователей

Personal Account

The personal account is designed for regular use, taking into account the familiar user behavior patterns and the familiar placement of elements for intuitive perception.

Личный кабинет

Course Management

Tables are a convenient representation for the list of courses, users, and lessons in the library. Each element has a contextual menu for operations: edit, delete, archive. Search, filtering, and navigation across pages are provided for the tables.

Управление курсами

Lesson Builder

In the builder, an unlimited number of lessons and modules can be added, their positions changed, renamed, and deleted.

Конструктор уроков

Study Groups

Educational groups were included in the architecture to launch training simultaneously in multiple groups for a single course. The groups may have a limited number of participants and a specific start date for training, depending on the settings.

Учебные группы

Interface States

The design includes the basic states of elements, pages, modal windows, pages with successful and unsuccessful statuses - leaving no questions for development about how the interface should behave in one or another case.

Состояния интерфейса

Logic and Flowcharts

We started by defining a list of user roles. For each role, a list of functionality was determined. User scenarios were coordinated on flowcharts for each role. Thus, we established the general boundaries of the project.

Логика и блок-семы

Interface Prototypes

When there was a common understanding of the platform's logic and user functionality, rough interface prototypes were created. Prototypes were made for each role: guest, listener, teacher, admin, content manager. We also created prototypes for mobile versions.

Прототипы интерфейса

ACL Policies

To lay the correct application architecture, during the requirements coordination process, access division rules for different user roles were set out in an illustrative table. The development team will use ACL in the project design.


Color Palette

We created a project color palette considering contrast and defined a set of shades for color consistency in the project.

Цветовая палитра

UI Component States

Necessary states of basic UI elements were provided to prevent frontend developers from having questions about how the user interface should behave in one or another situation.

Состояния UI компонентов

UI Kit

We systematically approach design, so we create necessary UI components in all projects, which are reused during project refinement and scaling. The use of components and variations also speeds up the development team.



We identified a suitable font pair for headings and established typography rules for different screen sizes, considering adaptability.


Email Design Notifications

We worked on texts, provided system errors, notifications, and email templates.

Дизайн E-mail уведомлений

Educational Certificates

We designed a certificate for course completion, which is generated upon achieving 100% course completion.

Сертификаты об обучении

More cases:

Frequently Asked Questions

Need design. What is required from me?

Send the existing requirements by email or Telegram. We will study the information and let you know if we can help.

Need design. What is required from me?

Send the existing requirements by email or Telegram. We will study the information and let you know if we can help.

Need design. What is required from me?

Send the existing requirements by email or Telegram. We will study the information and let you know if we can help.

Какие варианты сотрудничества?

Работаем как ООО "КРОНМЕДИА", ИНН 5504154094, аккредитованная ИТ-компания, по УСН, без НДС. Заключаем рамочный договор, условия прописываем в доп. соглашениях. Обмен по ЭДО.

Какие варианты сотрудничества?

Работаем как ООО "КРОНМЕДИА", ИНН 5504154094, аккредитованная ИТ-компания, по УСН, без НДС. Заключаем рамочный договор, условия прописываем в доп. соглашениях. Обмен по ЭДО.

Какие варианты сотрудничества?

Работаем как ООО "КРОНМЕДИА", ИНН 5504154094, аккредитованная ИТ-компания, по УСН, без НДС. Заключаем рамочный договор, условия прописываем в доп. соглашениях. Обмен по ЭДО.

How much does it cost?

Studio rate 2500 rubles per hour. Team cost 600 thousand rubles per month. The duration depends on the project scope. The cost includes prototype, UI-kit, color palettes, typography, layouts in Figma for 3-5 resolutions.

How much does it cost?

Studio rate 2500 rubles per hour. Team cost 600 thousand rubles per month. The duration depends on the project scope. The cost includes prototype, UI-kit, color palettes, typography, layouts in Figma for 3-5 resolutions.

How much does it cost?

Studio rate 2500 rubles per hour. Team cost 600 thousand rubles per month. The duration depends on the project scope. The cost includes prototype, UI-kit, color palettes, typography, layouts in Figma for 3-5 resolutions.

How much time is needed for design?

Large projects usually require 2 months. For small tasks, the estimate is a few days.

How much time is needed for design?

Large projects usually require 2 months. For small tasks, the estimate is a few days.

How much time is needed for design?

Large projects usually require 2 months. For small tasks, the estimate is a few days.

Как выглядит процесс работы?

Изучим требования, сделаем дизайн-концепцию, обсудим её на онлайн-встрече. Если всё нравится — двигаемся дальше. Раз в неделю делаем демо промежуточных результатов. Общение — в телеграм. С нашей стороны есть менеджер проекта, который отвечает за результат. Открытый доступ к проекту в Figma — можно следить за прогрессом.

Как выглядит процесс работы?

Изучим требования, сделаем дизайн-концепцию, обсудим её на онлайн-встрече. Если всё нравится — двигаемся дальше. Раз в неделю делаем демо промежуточных результатов. Общение — в телеграм. С нашей стороны есть менеджер проекта, который отвечает за результат. Открытый доступ к проекту в Figma — можно следить за прогрессом.

Как выглядит процесс работы?

Изучим требования, сделаем дизайн-концепцию, обсудим её на онлайн-встрече. Если всё нравится — двигаемся дальше. Раз в неделю делаем демо промежуточных результатов. Общение — в телеграм. С нашей стороны есть менеджер проекта, который отвечает за результат. Открытый доступ к проекту в Figma — можно следить за прогрессом.

В каком виде отдаётся результат?

Проект в Figma, который включает макеты страниц, UI-kit, типографику, и палитры. Макеты собраны на autolayout, используем переменные для размерностей и цветов. Всё организовано для удобства frontend-разработки и быстрого внесения правок при необходимости в будущем.

В каком виде отдаётся результат?

Проект в Figma, который включает макеты страниц, UI-kit, типографику, и палитры. Макеты собраны на autolayout, используем переменные для размерностей и цветов. Всё организовано для удобства frontend-разработки и быстрого внесения правок при необходимости в будущем.

В каком виде отдаётся результат?

Проект в Figma, который включает макеты страниц, UI-kit, типографику, и палитры. Макеты собраны на autolayout, используем переменные для размерностей и цветов. Всё организовано для удобства frontend-разработки и быстрого внесения правок при необходимости в будущем.

Можете сделать тестовое задание?

Да, мы можем сделать дизайн главной страницы, чтобы продемонстрировать системный подход в дизайне и удобство сотрудничества. Проведём демонстрацию концепции руководству, с обоснованием выбранных решений. Продумаем смыслы, логику и визуальный стиль вашего продукта.

Можете сделать тестовое задание?

Да, мы можем сделать дизайн главной страницы, чтобы продемонстрировать системный подход в дизайне и удобство сотрудничества. Проведём демонстрацию концепции руководству, с обоснованием выбранных решений. Продумаем смыслы, логику и визуальный стиль вашего продукта.

Можете сделать тестовое задание?

Да, мы можем сделать дизайн главной страницы, чтобы продемонстрировать системный подход в дизайне и удобство сотрудничества. Проведём демонстрацию концепции руководству, с обоснованием выбранных решений. Продумаем смыслы, логику и визуальный стиль вашего продукта.

Where to start?

Compose a list of user roles, a list of required functionality, and a list of website and personal account sections. This is sufficient for evaluation.

Where to start?

Compose a list of user roles, a list of required functionality, and a list of website and personal account sections. This is sufficient for evaluation.

Where to start?

Compose a list of user roles, a list of required functionality, and a list of website and personal account sections. This is sufficient for evaluation.

Describe the task informally to estimate the amount of work. Write, we will be glad to be useful.

Describe the task informally to estimate the amount of work. Write, we will be glad to be useful.

Describe the task informally to estimate the amount of work. Write, we will be glad to be useful.